The Road Less Traveled

Building a Life of Purpose, Impact & Prosperity Through Entrepreneurship

Hey there πŸ‘‹ I'm Rob Brautigam

Meet Rob Brautigam, a former cubicle-dwelling engineer turned online entrepreneur, world traveler, and visionary who has mastered the art of creating the life he desires, and helping others do the same.


As a 90's kid born in a rural town in Connecticut, Rob's journey into the world of unconventional thinking began early on in Montessori School, where he was encouraged to think outside the box, challenge the status quo, and view the world through a unique lens. This foundation of innovative problem-solving and curiosity-driven learning profoundly shaped his approach to life and business.

As a kid and through high school, he played baseball and ice hockey. But when he wasn't at practice or games, he taught himself how to build computers from the scrap parts left over from old computers at his dad's office. After successfully installing Windows 95 (and eventually the OG XP), he used those computers to start his first entrepreneurial ventures, selling PokΓ©mon cards, Boy Scout patches, and video game accessories. By the age of 13, he had already made his first $1000 online.


Rob continued his formal education at the University of Connecticut School of Engineering, graduating with a bachelor's degree in 2013. After just two years in a traditional 9-to-5 engineering role, he realized that his true calling lay elsewhere. Fueled by a desire for freedom and driven by a relentless work ethic, he booked a one-way ticket to Asia with the singular mission of launching his own online business. Before his savings ran out, Rob successfully established his first ventures in affiliate marketing and e-commerce. These initial triumphs, though modest, laid the groundwork for the vast entrepreneurial achievements that followed.


Rob continued his formal education at the University of Connecticut School of Engineering, graduating with a bachelor's degree in 2013. But he quickly realized that a traditional 9-to-5 job was not the life he wanted to lead. After reading books like "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and "Think and Grow Rich" and listening to podcasts on investment real estate and passive income, he was hooked on the idea of entrepreneurship.


In 2016, after two painful yet enlightening years in a traditional 9-to-5 cubical-dwelling job, Rob made the brave decision to quit his engineering job and embark on the journey of a lifetime. He booked a one-way ticket to Asia with the singular mission of launching his own online business. Before his savings ran out, Rob successfully established his first ventures in affiliate marketing and e-commerce. These initial triumphs, though modest, laid the groundwork for the vast entrepreneurial achievements that followed.

He tried every internet business model under the sun, from Amazon FBA to ecommerce, consulting, and agency work, before finally finding success in high ticket affiliate marketing. His first million dollar year came in 2018, and he never looked back.


By 2019, Rob had built a 7 figure company in just 9 months and helped 250+ people quit their 9-to-5 jobs. He had become a sought-after speaker and hosted international entrepreneurial events for up to 300 people.

He led a membership community of 10,000+ entrepreneurs, ran an affiliate platform with over 1000 affiliates, and developed a front-end marketing system responsible for $60,000,000 in sales, and growing.

Along the way, he traveled the world, lived in 10 countries, explored 24 more, and developed an international network and friend group of 6, 7, 8, and 9 figure earners.


In 2020, Rob made the strategic decision to shut down his million-dollar business to elevate his clientele. He developed a premium coaching program called Conversions for digital creators, consultants, and agencies helping them systematize and scale their businesses. Over the year, Rob onboarded 100 high-profile clients, many of whom experienced growth rates of up to 300% within just 90 days, with several achieving 6-figure and even 7-figure incomes.


In 2021, Rob decided to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurship and take an infinitely long sabbatical. He moved to Mexico and spent six months focusing on personal growth, learning Spanish, and building new friendships. This time off taught Rob the importance of slowing down and reconnecting with himself, and how to manage the yin and the yang of the entrepreneurial lifestyle, which helped him gain clarity on and redefine his personal and professional goals.


In his "time off," Rob couldn't resist taking on new projects. During this period, he became fascinated β€” perhaps even obsessed β€” with blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs. For the next year, he immersed himself in this new world, often working up to 20 hours a day.

Rob co-founded Crypto Collective, a Discord community of thousands of Web3 enthusiasts. At its peak, the Crypto Collective Discord was one of the most active platforms, featuring some of the most engaged and lively voice chats in the Web3 space. With over 3,000 crypto investors, builders, and enthusiasts, the community provides unparalleled education, fresh alpha calls, networking opportunities, and access to specialized channels focusing on areas like DeFi, GameFi, and more. In just one weekend in 2021, members of Crypto Collective added a total of $150,000,000 in gains to their portfolios.

His rapid ascent in the Web3 space led to numerous requests for his expertise, and he began advising on various projects. Leveraging his strategic insights and innovative thinking, Rob helped several Web3 initiatives achieve significant success, generating millions in revenue across multiple projects.


Currently, Rob is focused on building an AI-backed personal branding agency called Brand Alchemy, which specializes in helping founders, subject-matter experts and emerging thought leaders present themselves in the digital world as the superheroes they really are.

Clients include 9-figure founders, New York Times Best Selling authors, TEDx speakers, and professionals who have worked with $50 billion hedge funds. Learn more about Brand Alchemy here.

Rob's insights have been featured in publications such as Yahoo Finance, AOL, MSN, and GoBankingRates, and has helped feature his clients on Forbes, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, and many more.


As the saga continues into 2025 and beyond, Rob is always on the lookout for new opportunities, connections, and experiences.

His mission is simple:

#1) Have fun

#2) Leave the world a better place

...and do these with authenticity.

Whether it's exploring new countries, connecting with inspiring people, or building innovative businesses, Rob is always pushing the boundaries of what's possible and inspiring others to do the same.

Feel free to follow along!

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